Pregnancy Week 23

BirthWatch ticker week for 23

"The baby has excellent hearing and is getting used to all the noises in utero that he/she will hear after birth (your voice, the dog's bark, the vacuum.)"

More About Week 23:

  • Your baby's heart rate can now be heard with a stethoscope.
  • All baby skin color, regardless of race, looks the same now: red and wrinkled.
  • If your baby is a boy, his testes have already formed primitive sperm. If your baby is a girl, her vagina has begun to develop.
  • Your baby may wake up if you tap on your belly.
  • Your baby weighs about 12 ounces now.
  • A baby at this stage of development is about 11 inches long and about weighs 12 ounces.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips for Week 23

Recommended Reading:

Pilates During Pregnancy

This is a DVD. Yes, you have to exercise during pregnancy to maintain health and build stamina for childbirth and parenthood. Pilates does this beautifully. Ideally, you're taking a regular, weekly exercise class in your community. Between classes, this is a terrific DVD for women who want a terrific workout at home.

See More Recommendations For the Second Trimester from BirthWatch