Pregnancy Week 26

BirthWatch ticker week for 26

"Your baby curls and flexes fingers, waves hands and sucks thumbs."

More About Week 26:

  • Your baby is now beginning to have sleep and wake cycles.
  • The air sacs in your baby's lungs have begun to develop.
  • Beginning now, the next two weeks are the most rapid for your baby's brain growth.
  • If your baby is a boy, his testicles are now descending into his scrotum.
  • Your baby is practicing yawning, sucking, swallowing and grasping. Important skills for life outside the womb.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips for Week 26

Recommended Reading:

Pilates During Pregnancy

This is a DVD. Yes, you have to exercise during pregnancy to maintain health and build stamina for childbirth and parenthood. Pilates does this beautifully. Ideally, you're taking a regular, weekly exercise class in your community. Between classes, this is a terrific DVD for women who want a terrific workout at home.

See More Recommendations For the Second Trimester from BirthWatch