Week 26: Time to think about creating your birth plan and discussing your preferences with your doctor or midwife.

BirthWatch Tips
  • Your center of gravity is changing and may be causing backache. If you are standing in one place for a while, place one foot on a step stool to ease backache.
  • Now is the time to start discussing labor and birth plans with your care provider. Find out how your doctor or midwife likes to manage the end of pregnancy and labor and birth so there are no surprises. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn
  • Low backache can be relieved with pelvic rocking on your hands and knees or kneeling over a pile of pillows. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn
  • The best childbirth classes are usually independent and outside of the hospital. Try looking for independent Lamaze classes at Lamaze International. Lamaze International
  • In the United States, more and more women are trading the traditional baby shower for a more meaningful mother blessing ceremony. These ceremonies celebrate a woman's passage into motherhood. Guests may bring gifts for the baby, but the emphasis is on the encouraging, supporting and inspiring the mother. (Lamaze International) Blessingway Book
  • Exercise during pregnancy can improve your mood, control your blood pressure and prepare your body for the work of labor, birth and early parenthood. Exercise after baby arrives is an important component of mental health as well. Mayo Clinic
  • Thinking about an epidural for labor? Ask your friends and family members what they enjoyed and what they wish had been different about their epidural experiences. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn

Tips for Week 25

Tips for Week 27

BirthWatch Recommends:

Birthing From Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation

Yes this book was first published in 1998, but it's one of the best out there addressing the spirituality of giving birth. Birthing From Within offers concrete exercises for mentally and emotionally coping with labor pain. This is a classic (even if it's on the woo woo side of things). If you've been all left brain oriented about your pregnancy and childbirth up to this point, give this book a try. You'll likely find it quite soothing and comforting.

See All Reading Recommendations For the Second Trimester