Week 3: Time to think about stopping smoking, drinking and taking drugs that can affect a developing baby.

BirthWatch Tips
  • Think about your lifestyle and things you need to avoid that can affect fetal development like smoking, alcohol, stress and street drugs. The March of Dimes website (www.marchofdimes.com) can help you find out about what substances to avoid and will have resources for helping you quit drinking and drug use during pregnancy. March of Dimes

Tips for Week 2

Tips for Week 4

BirthWatch Recommends:

Navigating the Land of If: Understanding Infertility and Exploring Your Options

A comforting read while dealing with infertility and the desire to conceive. The witty advice is especially comforting when dealing with unsolicited comments and advice from others about your infertility.

See All Reading Recommendations For the First Trimester