Week 29: Time to think about taking a good childbirth education class. Research shows women who take classes are more confident and have less anxiety about the pain of labor because they've learned coping skills.
Some of your baby's vigorous kicks may take your breath away. Fetal movement kick counts are a terrific way of checking in on the health and movement of your the baby. You should be able to count 10 kicks in 1 hour while baby is vigorously moving.
Hemorrhoids are common in pregnancy. Remember to keep a solidly nutritious diet with lots of fiber to prevent having to strain while using the bathroom. Soothing witch hazel pads can reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids.
Bringing labor support people with you who can continuously attend to your emotional, physical and informational needs increases your chances of having a normal vaginal birth with less pain medication used and a higher chance of having positive memories about your birth experience.
Do you have Restless Leg Syndrome? Cutting down on caffeine and massaging the lower legs can help.
Baby Center
When talking about choices with your care provider, always ask: "Is it possible to…?" And, "Is there any reason we cannot…?" "What would it take for me to be able to ….?" Always frame your questions so that your care provider has to answer your questions with more than a yes or no response.
Are you worried about how to cope with the pain of labor? Taking a great, independent childbirth class can equip you with a huge back of pain coping techniques, skills and tricks.
Lamaze International
Increasing the amount of fiber and water in your diet can help prevent heartburn and constipation.
This is a DVD. Sometimes seeing is believing when it comes to proper latch and positioning of baby. Great for folks who are nervous about how to breastfeed.