Pregnancy Week 13

BirthWatch ticker week for 13

"A baby at this stage of development is about 3 inches long and weighs about an ounce."

More About Week 13:

  • Your baby's urinary tract is fully functional. Your baby is now peeing out the amniotic fluid he/she is swallowing.
  • Your baby's heart rate is fast, about twice as fast as an adult heart rate.
  • Your baby's head is more proportional now, about a third the size of the entire body.
  • Your baby can make a fist.
  • Your baby is developing vocal cords this week.
  • Your baby's genitalia are formed but won't be visible on ultrasound for about 8 more weeks.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips for Week 13

Recommended Reading:

The Business of Being Born

This is a DVD. Watch this DVD (available for purchase at or at your local library or through Netflix) in your 1st or early 2nd trimester and think about how your prenatal appointments are going. Are you satisfied with your care provider? Are your appointments long enough for you to get answers to all your questions? Do you leave feeling listened to and respected? The Business of Being Born can help you sort out your feelings about what you need in a maternity care provider. If your fit isn't right now, it's not going to improve in the labor and delivery room. Continue to shop around for the care provider that fits you best.

See More Recommendations For the First Trimester from BirthWatch