Pregnancy Week 36

BirthWatch ticker week for 36

"Braxton Hicks contractions continue to strengthen and build muscle fibers in the uterus."

More About Week 36:

  • Your baby has a keen sense of taste and has been tasting all the flavors of mother's food in the amniotic fluid. If she eats a lot of garlic, the mother's amniotic fluid will be flavored with garlic. This will help acclimate the baby to the flavors of its mother's breast milk.
  • Your baby is shedding the soft lanugo and white, waxy vernix that is covering his/her skin.
  • Your baby may be descending lower in the pelvis. This action, called lightening, is one of the first steps in getting ready for labor, which is still likely weeks away.
  • Creases are forming in your baby's wrists and neck.
  • Your baby's lungs are the last organs to mature.
  • Your baby weighs about 6 pounds now.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips for Week 36

Recommended Reading:

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child

This is a great, if somewhat factual and dryly written, basic guide for parents who want a comprehensive, "it has everything" guide to baby care. If Sears' "Baby Book" is to0 lefty for you, you'll like this guide.

See More Recommendations For the Third Trimester from BirthWatch