Week 33: Time to think about what you need to do to keep labor moving and efficient if you get an epidural.

BirthWatch Tips
  • Remember to keep moving during labor, especially if you've had an epidural. In order to get baby to rotate, descend and move through your pelvis, you will have to move your body into different positions on or off the bed. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn
  • Reduce the risks of epidurals by following these guides: 1) In early labor, before you get the epidural, change positions and be as active as possible to help get baby into a good position for active labor; 2) Use self-comfort techniques for as long as possible before getting the epidural; 3) Consider using a doula. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn
  • Reduce the risks of epidurals by following these guides: 1) Get a lighter epidural later in labor, after 5 cms; 2) Stay involved with your labor after the epidural. Continue to move, use your breathing to release body and mental tension and visualize baby opening your cervix and coming down through your pelvis. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn
  • Continue eating balanced, nutritious meals. You will need this energy to continue your pregnancy to the end. Mayo Clinic
  • Dr. Sarah Buckley has pioneered the study of what hormones contribute to a mother's feelings of joy, ecstasy and pride during her baby's birth. The key to ecstatic birth seems to be keeping the birth environment as calm and undisturbed as possible so mother can labor most efficiently. Sarah Buckley, M.D.
  • Keeping your baby skin-to-skin and between your breasts immediately after birth can help you quickly and efficiently birth your placenta with less blood loss. Keeping baby on your chest is the physiologically healthiest place for both you and baby.
  • If you have a cesarean birth and are feeling sad, disappointed or angry, connect with your local ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) chapter. It's normal to feel relieved and grateful for a healthy baby and also be grieving the loss of a normal experience. Many women have experienced the same and are happy to hear your story. ICAN

Tips for Week 32

Tips for Week 34

BirthWatch Recommends:

Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding

This comprehensive guide could serve as your go-to breastfeeding book. You will increase your breastfeeding IQ and more importantly, confidence, by reading this book.

See All Reading Recommendations For the Third Trimester